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NRA Monopoly Game Insert 1935-1936

National Recovery Administration (NRA), U.S. government agency established by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to stimulate business recovery through fair-practice codes during the Great Depression. The NRA was an essential element in the National Industrial Recovery Act (June 1933), which authorized the president to institute industry-wide codes intended to eliminate unfair trade practices, reduce unemployment, establish minimum wages and maximum hours, and guarantee the right of labour to bargain collectively.

Companies that subscribed to the NRA codes were allowed to display a Blue Eagle emblem. Parker Brothers subscribed to the codes and placed the DarkBlue Eagle insertin a few of its 1935 and early 1936 Monopoly Games. The NRA ended when it was invalidated by the Supreme Court in 1935, but many of its provisions were included in succeeding legislation.

Extremely Rare

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